Young men can sue if they become aware during said youth. The parents aren’t going to say shit, so they will have to stumble upon the cause of the horror that lives in them. The suit is for Constructive Fraud, failure at Fiduciary Duty, failure to fully-inform, and heinous battery. One young man discussed his… Continue reading On Suing The Devils
Advent Health, for example
Trying to reach you, Ed Noseworthy (CEO, Daytona Campus). RE: Human Rights/Christianity (NB Advent Health is evangelical). Left my number with Lea in your office. Eric Anderson. Author, Jesus & the Unabomber (NB Risk Management Dept. plugged their ears as deaf & blind guides)Circumcision is neither medicine, nor Christian.It is between witchcraft & body modification… Continue reading Advent Health, for example
Adding Zeros
The person defending infant circumcision inevitably adds zeros. They don’t see it, of course, but they get for their answer the number of zeros added. Example: Potential UTI+ Pot. Forseskin Cancer+Pot. STD+Pot.Nursing Home Care+Pot.Care Convenience=Circumcision. They are adding rights & reasons to torture a healthy child (and take from him) as 0+0+0+0+0=5. They do not… Continue reading Adding Zeros
The Witchcraft of Moses
There is Moses, sacrificing animals and pouring their blood on his alter. He did this while advising others, “do not suffer witches to live” (Exodus 22:18). That is the autocratic warlord who threatened his subjects with expulsion if they did not practice partial child sacrifice. But circumcision is witchcraft, and Moses is dead. And his… Continue reading The Witchcraft of Moses
Constructive Fraud
Infant circumcision is PAINFUL (trauma scientists note that the body keeps the score, mind memory or not), it is elective surgery without CONSENT, it STEALS the victim of their decision of personal preference. It is ARCHAIC. What human does that to his fellow man. What human threatens expulsion for not doing it; Adolf & Moses.… Continue reading Constructive Fraud
Soul Sickness
Infant circumcision is a soul-sickness, and so must be all of Monotheism. The habit while reading scripture is to put up a cognitive privacy glass so one only sees sparkles and not the real person behind the glass. This is a soul-sickness (Ted calls is over-socialization, Jesus says to look at the birds of the… Continue reading Soul Sickness
The Banality of Evil
Infant circumcision is the same phenomenon, of course… as expressed by Hannah Arendt when she observed ‘the banality of evil’ while reporting on the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem, in 1962. In this case it is Nazism for Newborns that is the evil that has found its ease among us. I don’t care what… Continue reading The Banality of Evil
Gospel of Thomas, part 4
The man old in days will not hesitate to ask a small child seven days old about the place of life, and he will live.
On Fraternity Hazing
Make men drink a fifth of whiskey when they turn 18 years old (at threat of expulsion as in Genesis 17:14), but do not cut their genitalia, ever. In this the fraternity must conform, or itself be expelled.
Heartbreaking & Gut Wrenching
And nauseating. If the ritual was to push a needle into a babies eye—the process of making a covenant with God—it would be seen instantly for what circumcision already is, but unseen. After a while, when first done at threat of expulsion from the economy, many would do it, many others would then comply because… Continue reading Heartbreaking & Gut Wrenching