The Complaint that I submitted was scrubbed clean on the output form generated by the Daytona Beach Police Department. Letter Written to Chief Young:
Daytona Beach Police Dept. #2 (Statement handed in)
See two prvious videos.RE: Routine Infant Circumcision (RIC)-That FL Statute 827.03 is clear and accurate, especially when seen from child-centric point-of-view, as intended.-That cutting a healthy child is always battery.-That elective surgery without the consent of the elected is always battery.-That ideations that children are not included in the protections of the state are wholly… Continue reading Daytona Beach Police Dept. #2 (Statement handed in)
Aggrevated Child Abuse
RE: Routine Infant Circumcision (RIC)-That FL Statute 827.03 is clear and accurate, especially when seen from child-centric point-of-view, as intended.-That cutting a healthy child is always battery.-That elective surgery without the consent of the elected is always battery.-That ideations that children are not included in the protections of the state are wholly imaginary.-That mesmerization is… Continue reading Aggrevated Child Abuse
“It takes a village to abuse a child.”
Seeking Hero, a la David Copperfield
I urge the reader to look at the CDC page on ACES, and to search online for the relationship between trauma and bipolar disorder (e.g. as witnessed by Simeon;
The Gospel Message (extracted)
1) Jesus was severely traumatized on his eighth day of life. The recounting of his circumcision was naturally done by his mother when it was inquired of her what had happened.2) Jesus’ trauma-induced bipolar disorder fully manifested when his cousin baptised him, and the ‘spirit descended upon him bodily like a dove.’3) Unfortunately, bipolar disorder… Continue reading The Gospel Message (extracted)
Man up. Make them pay.
The body keeps the score/never lies (Bessel van der Kolk/Alice Miller), and that is for life. At the Twin Towers (on 9/11) mantras were no good for those who finally, by trauma, came to believe that they might fly. The trespass was happening to their body and wishful thinking could not relieve it; this is… Continue reading Man up. Make them pay.
He will find you stupid, Mommy.
Mommy, let us get this straight. A young man can decide this for himself when he comes of age (he will find the idea absurde), or you can decide for him when he is a baby. He will find you to be of diminished mental capacity… effectively mentally retarded; of a cruel and deranged heart.… Continue reading He will find you stupid, Mommy.
The Nazis Nearby
During WWII most Germans felt patriotic; proud of country and ethnicity. Today they are viewed as having had a psychosis. This is analogous to Circumcisers nearby in time and place. They are in a psychosis. Man up. Make them pay.
Mesmerization is no excuse
Mesmerization is pleasant. We seek it constantly; in education, in religion, in sports, in entertainment, in commerce, in art, in romance, in travel. A mesmerizing fellowship can be quite pleasant (e.g. read the Bible over and over… round-and-round, up-and-down). Oops. Mesmerization must be pleasant for all parties, or it must be dispelled. For mesmerization is… Continue reading Mesmerization is no excuse