We strive to win both hearts & minds, but will settle for a dead meme. If one can internalize the knowledge that the actor within is the traumatized infant (re: Jesus & the Unabomber), they can see the accuracy of said infants, and find them divine. Afterall, Ted’s abusers were technologists. The infant, the internal actor, can only find proxy-perpetrators as an adult. And find them they did.
Jesus ‘he is beside himself’ Christ was also set on seek & destroy. It only need be the disease-meme and not its carrier that must be destroyed… and that ‘drunk & a glutton’ was after it.
Jesus was no more aware of this than Ted but also seems deadly accurate in addressing circumcision, and belaboring the culture in which he was so severly abused (e.g. Jesus says ‘you dhall know these things and more,’ and Ted says ‘we are not exactly sure what we mean by leftism). Only the worst idiot cannot understand this as I have explained it, and many of them are associates of the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics).
We will tie them down and cut off their eyelids to reduce the incidence of pink-eye; a clear favor to them by way of our good hearts. Come and See
Proxy Perpetrator Equivalency:
Matthew 25:40 In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.