Since I am Live Writing, most recent edit of the Complaint can be seen here…
Sovereign Immunity
Ethnic Groups
Monotheism is a Period Piece, and FGM
Intactivists do not care about the period-piece that is Monotheism in some sort of near equivalency to the rights of the child, in my experience. The USA separated church and state to avoid such primeval violence between groups, and to protect children from said violence. The combination of childishness & viciousness that sustains the error… Continue reading Monotheism is a Period Piece, and FGM
Case Papers: Defendant’s Initial Disclosures
Case Papers: Plaintiff’s Initial Disclosures
Why property & person laws are separate from religion:
Neither ceremony or ritual overcome the right to choose one’s own religion, nor is amputation surgery done for chance, but also from personal choice.
Case Papers, Sept 12 to Oct 5
I speak for myself & my fellow man…
…but sometimes people don’t like it when you say that you speak for them. WARNING: When one slaughters the psyche of a child but does not kill them, that child will be heard from again. Infant Circumcision Video Link: The World without Due Process