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Jesus & the Unabomber (Amazon Link)
The Jesus Fiasco (Amazon Link)

 “That which is hateful unto you, do not do to your neighbor. This is the whole of the Torah; the rest is commentary.”

First the US had its Revolution, then ratified a Constitution, then added the Bill of Rights, then fought its Civil War, then added the Thirteenth & Fourteenth Amendments, and later the Civil Rights Act, yet it leaves newborn boys to be put in four-point restraints, to have their genitalia mutilated. All for a madding crowd. It is embarrassing.


‘Wow, you fucked him hard.’
(Luke 2:35)
This was Simeon’s observation about the circumcision of Jesus. This memory would have been reported by the mother, much later.

‘He is manic.
1st Person observation of Jesus
(Mark 3:21)

Here we have the singular difference between the old and the new religions; not new and improved fantasy, but realizarion of the ignorance of genital cutting.
“A man old in days will ask a small child seven days old the place of life and he will live.”
(Gospel of Thomas 4)

“If it were beneficial their father would beget him from their mothers already circumcised.”
(Gospel of Thomas 53)

Brit Shalom is Tikkun Olam

The Second Crucifixion

Mesmerization is no defense in the law.

3″ * 10″ bumper sticker.
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